To: Bound Brook Presbyterian Congregation Members & Friends
From: Bound Brook Mission Study Team
Laura Still, Laura Shreve, Christina Luna, Jung
Kathy Hobbs, Anita Milne, Chris Potter, John Piel
Date: December 15, 2017
Good Day,
We are about to embark on the first major step in the Mission Study for our congregation. A survey is ready for all to participate.
- Take the survey: Online at
- Paper copy available by request to church office or email:
- Why a survey: To help the team understand where we are today as a congregation and help direct us where we want to be in the future.
- How will the survey be administered: You will have the choice of completing the survey via the computer (on line) or paper.
- How long it will take to complete the survey: Less than 30 minutes.
- Deadline to complete the survey: The team is asking you to complete the survey as soon as possible. We will be looking to close down the survey by January 31, 2018.
- Response rate: We are looking for an 85-90% response rate to provide us with a successful amount of information.
- Next steps after the survey: In January / February we will be conducting focus groups for your input on a variety of topics.
- Anticipated Mission Study completion: April / May 2018.
We hope we have addressed potential questions/thoughts you might have regarding this step of the process. If you have any further questions, feel free to bring them up with one of your Mission Study Team members or email us at
Thank You